Do you have to go to church to be a Christian?
Church attendance is not mandatory in your relationship with Christ. It is not something you do to pay your duty to God so you can go live like the devil the rest of the week. Unfortunately, there are many people who go to church for wrong reasons and never develop a good relationship with Jesus. Then there are thousands of excuses people use to not go to church. But, here are a few reasons why you should regularly attend church. Church is where I go to experience a deeper expression of praise and worship than I can achieve by myself. It is where I go to hear Scripture discussed by others who are more experienced or more knowledgeable than I am. It’s where I go to help me fill that desire to know all I can about God. It is where I go to leave a burden too heavy for me to carry alone. It is where I go to help carry a burden too heavy for someone else to carry alone. It is where I go and rejoice when I hear about an elderly wheel chair bound woman who sends cards of encouragement to a single mom struggling to make ends meet and meet the emotional needs of her three small children, to a 60 year old man who just lost his job for the third time in five years, to a home sick soldier and to an early teenage girl who just lost her mother to cancer. Church is where I go to help make a difference in my community, my country and the world. Church is where I go to do more than I can do by myself to bind up the broken and lift up the fallen. Church is where I go to make sure I’m a part of the solution to all the pain and suffering in the world instead of being part of the problem. I don’t have to go to church. It’s just that I can’t imagine not going.
How do I find the right church?
Before I answer that question, let me say there is no perfect church. The reason is that they all are made up of sinners just like you and me who desire to honor God but still struggle with their sinful nature. There are three things to look for in any assembly of believers. Do they honor God first, last and foremost? Do they teach, preach and practice the whole Bible as the very words of God? And last, do they love all people? Find a group of Christians like this close to your home walk in and roll up your sleeves. You are about to embark on a journey that will last through eternity.